Part Number: N/A Categories: ,

$109.11 ā€“ $124.85

When applied to railroad switch points, plates and rail prior to snow or ice storms, Ice Free Switch will remain in place to activate when needed to melt falling and blowing snow and prevent switches from freezing.


Ice Free SwitchĀ® works as an anti-icing agent.

When applied to railroad switch points, plates and rail prior to snow or ice storms, it will remain in place to activate when needed to melt falling and blowing snow and prevent switches from freezing.

Ice Free SwitchĀ® is also effective for:

  • Crossing Arms
  • Signals & Lenses
  • Car Couplers
  • Doors & Chutes
  • Movable bridges
  • Flangeways
  • Tunnel walls
  • Hump switches
  • Overhead crane rail
  • Preventing ice from forming and lifting the rails off the tie plate, altering the gauge
  • Ice Free SwitchĀ® helps prevent derailments because the snow will not pack and form ice in the gaps

Benefits include, but not limited to:

  • Works Better Than Rail Heaters At Severe Temperature
  • Prevents Switches From Re-Freezing Down to -70Ā°F
  • Holds Fast to Vertical Surfaces & Remains In Place
  • Defies The Effects Of Rain, Snow, Wind & Gravity
  • Maximizes Safety Conditions For Passengers
  • Prevents Snow From Packing Between Rails
  • Helps Prevent Derailments At Flangeways
  • Safe To Use/Environmentally Friendly
  • Non-Flammable/Non-Corrosive
  • Throw Switches On Command
  • Efficient & Economical to Use

Ice Free SwitchĀ® winter operating switch agent is the original anti-icing agent for track switches. ICE FREE SWITCHĀ® is a pre-treatment to be applied before the risk of snow or ice. By applying it on the plates, points, throw rods, stands and flangeways, it puts a barrier coating on the metal. Falling or blowing snow will melt on contact. The type of snow, (wet or dry) determines how much snow can be melted. Any accumulation beyond the point that the application can melt, will only be a non-freezable slush that will not impact throwing the track switch. ICE FREE SWITCHĀ® is applied by spraying or brushing onto the surface. It is recommended to apply prior to any snow event, (hours or days before) to protect the switch from freezing. ICE FREE SWITCHĀ® is more economical than switch heaters, smudge pots and safer than open flames or fires to clear a frozen switch. Also by preventing the ice from forming (anti-icing) it is easier and requires less maintenance than the cost associated with opening a frozen switch. The product is non-corrosive, non-conductive, aids lubrication and is bio-degradable.

Zero Gravity ā€œSmart Fluidā€

Ice Free SwitchĀ® utilizes a NASA ā€œSmart Fluidā€ technology called Zero Gravityā„¢, co-developed by NASA /Ames Research Center. When a small amount of this (non-corrosive, biodegradable substance) is sprayed onto the switch plate area or rail it produces a thin film. Its viscosity reverts to high ā€œzeroā€ shear or static viscosity which enables it to stay in place. Ice Free SwitchĀ® remains in place to be triggered hours, days or weeks later by sleet, rain or snow. It prevents moisture from becoming ice in the switch plate area. Especially in remote areas.


Looking for larger quantities? 55 Gallon drums available ā€“ call today 513-533-7070!